The best colleges 2022-2023

The best colleges

This list rewards establishments with irreproachable academic results. Like last year, the Stanislas College in Paris (VIth) takes first place. His establishment shows 93% of very good mentions in 2021, followed by the Chartreux-Croix rousse in Lyon (90%), Rognoni, in the Vth arrondissement in Paris, the Franco-German college of Buc (78 ), la Tour and Franklin , both in the 16th century in Paris. These establishments, private or public, have a lot in common. First, students choose their college and are chosen by them: no one is blindly assigned to it. This is the case at the Rognoni college.”Candidates must submit a file demonstrating their academic level, then sporting or artistic” , explains Raphaëlle Surgeul, principal of the Rognoni college for four years. They must also provide a five-minute video where they share their motivation and present excerpts from competitions, concerts… Then comes the “jury day”, made up of teachers and “professionals from the activities presented”.

College students go to study every day

Then, there is no miracle, we work. At the in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 8th overall, the families are received by the intendant general Christine Grandmontagne, who talks to them about “work, perseverance, and taste for effort”. Same cult of work at Stanislas College, follower of “more”, of “always better”. These two establishments offer a supervised study of one and a half to two hours a day to college students, which allows them to learn to work efficiently, avoiding screens in particular, sources of temptation.“We tell parents that if they can’t give their kids a cell phone until second grade, that’s fine. If this is not possible, they must not have access to it during the hours when they do their homework” , explains

Prize giving in all disciplines

In the best schools, children are encouraged to do their best and success is valued. Thus, the students of Stanislas are rewarded each year by a solemn prize-giving. At the Legion of Honor, an awards ceremony also takes place at the end of the year, and award books are offered on this occasion. There’s even a fellowship prize! What we also note is that the best establishments in our ranking are committed to pushing children to the maximum of their possibilities by having them participate in national competitions. And success is particularly valued there. National resistance competition, poetry competition, Rotary dictation (to Stanislas), Mathematics Olympiad, Cambridge certificate for English… In Rognoni, the children take part in an annual show at the Paradis Latin. In short, the secret is there: everything is done to encourage talents to reveal themselves and give their best. At Stanislas, the champions are entitled to an article in the magazine intended for families and alumni. And the best copies or drawings are displayed in a corridor of the building.

Saint-Jean and Notre-Dame de Grâce: two entities of the same institution

Following the publication of this ranking, the management of Saint-Jean de Passy in the 16th century in Paris made a point of specifying that the institution has two colleges: Saint-Jean and Notre-Dame de Grâce. The results of the two establishments are aggregated by the rectorate with the same identifier. “This figure of 68% therefore does not give an objective vision of the reality of each of our colleges”, specified the institution which details that in 2021, the Saint-Jean college obtained a very good mention rate of 88. % (session used for our current ranking Editor’s note) and 96.63% in 2022. As for Notre-Dame de Grâce, “this college offers adapted support for middle school students who need personalized support and obtained 9% mentions very well in 2021 and 52% in 2022”, specifies the management.

The Figaro methodology

To establish this list, we took in addition to the success rate for the patent, the rates of mentions fairly well, well and very well, using the detailed results of the Depp (management of evaluation, forecasting and performance) of 2021 published on the ministerial website . Indeed, these figures are always aggregated by the statistical services of the Ministry of National Education with a year’s delay. For each of these colleges, we have put a note which makes it possible to classify them. Those who presented less than thirty candidates are not included in the ranking, but their results are nevertheless included in our search engine. Some will be surprised not to see the added value and the stability index as for the ranking of high schools. But the Ministry of National Education does not provide these indices for colleges.



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