What do you need to know before doing a BTS?

BTS course

Among the most popular training courses on the labor market, the BTS is on the podium. The “Brevet de Technicien Supérieur” is a two-year course , which allows training in specialties, each richer than the next.

In concrete terms, the procedures are carried out online, from January to March. It is, at this time, to determine his wishes (of BTS). The greeting card is essential , since it is it that makes it possible to delimit the first choices from the second choices. 

In terms of prices, enrolling in BTS can be free (or very inexpensive) in public high schools , certain structures such as private high schools under contract with the State , or establishments outside the contract , may involve paying hundreds or even thousands of euros . Or even more!

The BTSA, what is it?

If the BTS is well known for bringing together many disciplines, the BTSA is none other than the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur Agricole. Indeed, the agricultural BTS have this richness that they often adapt to the region in which they are taught. This makes it possible to train professionals in areas specific to the region. Wood sector, development, forest management, horticultural production, so many specialties that the BTSA allows you to learn. 

What are the advantages of getting a BTS?

It is now obvious, whatever the specialty, to get a BTS, it is the assurance of having in your pocket a very appreciated professional passport, thanks to the learning of very specific know-how. But among the training courses, the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur has many other advantages! 

Among the advantages of obtaining a BTS , it is therefore necessary to mention, first of all, the professionalizing aspect of the diploma, which gives way to the concrete in a very specific sector, never without neglecting more general courses. 

In addition, the BTS is an effective diploma, but also fast . It only takes two years to obtain it on average, which places it among the “short” study diplomas. However, it should not be confused with the DUT.

Unlike the BTS, which keeps the student in a high school and classroom setting, the DUT is a more academic course, which leaves students more autonomy. However, the lessons there are more general and relatively less focused on the workplace. 

Another advantage lies in the fact that any student can (depending on his specialty) do work- study , at the rate of 1/4 or 1/3 of his time in the company. This allows, logically, to specialize in a concrete way , in addition to constituting a financial asset . Because yes, the student has both student status… and employee status! 

The BTS offers, in parallel, the possibility of entering the job market quickly , since it is a diploma often highly appreciated by companies. A guarantee of quality, which can be seen in the employability rate. 

And if the BTS has the other advantage of not being closed in on itself and of allowing the pursuit of studies, the fact remains that it is, like in high school, a course and of a framed diploma . On the program: regular assessments, constant monitoring of teachers, classes of 20 to 30 students, in short, enough to progress at best! 

It will therefore be understood, whatever its specialty or sector, the BTS is a diploma that combines many advantages from the final year: from apprenticeship to short training, through the continuation of studies, everything is in place to ensure that the student is as well equipped as possible for the future. And basically, when we talk about orientation, that’s often what matters most, isn’t it?



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