The indian-american student exchange

indian-american student

Many Americans are surprised to find that over 165,000 Indian students are currently studying in the United States, but for those familiar with India and an interest in education, this fact should come as no surprise. India and the United States have a huge interest in each other, including the trade of over $60 billion (USD) in goods and services every year. And because India is the largest democracy in the world, there should be a natural interest from the citizens of both countries in this relationship.

Just as is the case with commerce, where each trading partner satisfies the other’s needs for things that are impossible or impractical to produce at home, education provides opportunities for students to learn things that might be difficult or impossible to learn in their country of origin. Many Indian students come to the United States to study business, computer science, or engineering, gaining not only skills in a particular subject, but also an invaluable understanding of the nuances of culture that contribute to understanding the people of India. ‘another country. It is this combination of increased skills and cultural literacy that allows students who participate in international educational exchanges to

Whatever the subject, studying and living in another country provides information that goes far beyond the covers of a textbook or the walls of a classroom. We sometimes forget that this deep cultural ease is two-way. Students from the United States who visit India to study will find as much value in the new skills and understanding they gain as Indian students in America. This is why more and more schools, and even the United States Department of State, are encouraging students from the United States to study abroad.

It is simply not possible to be a truly international citizen by only reading things or watching movies. Only by interacting with other people from another culture can one fully understand the two most interesting things there is to know about the world: how similar people everywhere are and how different people are. Only when this reality is internalized can people understand each other well enough to effectively develop sustainable global economic growth and contribute to a better business climate, creating jobs and wealth for both sides of the trade. .



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